JS frameworks & libraries

Topics on JavaScript frameworks such as React, Next.js,MERN stack, and any other technology based on JavaScript

How to implement authentication for SSR pages & API routes in Next.js

Full-stack apps built with Next.js has three aspects of authentication: client-side authentication, server-side authentication, and API route authentication. I have discussed client-side authentication in a previous post. In this post, I will be discussing Server-side & API routes authentication in NextAuth.js. How does server-side authentication work? The browser sends a request with a user session […]

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How to set up authentication on the client-side in Next.js

Authentication in Next.js Apps falls into two broad perspectives Page authentication Client-side Server-side API route authentication Before you implement any authentication, you need to have a clear understanding of what data-fetching strategy you are going to use in your app. you can read about data-fetching strategies in the following posts. SSG, pre-rendering and getStaticProps server-side

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A simple & clear guide to On-Demand ISR in Next.js

What is on-demand ISR? On-demand ISR is a new feature added to the existing incremental static regeneration ( ISR ) in Next.js. Using ISR developers can reduce build-time in SSG. And most importantly, updating the cache periodically at a previously specified interval can resolve the issue of showing stale data on web pages. Although ISR

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The Ultimate Guide To Incremental Static Regeneration ( ISR ) in Next.js

Incremental Static Regeneration ( ISR ) is relatively a new feature in Next.js. It is immensely helpful for a developer, and greatly improves the performance of web applications. You need to have an understanding of getStaticProps and getstaticPaths to have a clear idea of ISR. Why do we need Incremental Static Regeneration? With SSG, the

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How to use getStaticPaths on dynamic routes in Next.js

What is getStaticPaths? getStaticPaths is another special function in Next.js used in conjunction with getStaticProps for dynamic routes. In other words, you can use getStaticPaths on a page that uses a dynamic route, and whenever you use this function on that page, there must be a getStaticProps function as well. [sample].js What is a Master-Detail

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What do you know about pre-rendering, SSG,& getStaticProps in Next.js?

What is pre-rendering? Next.js official documents say that Next.js, by default, pre-renders every page in the application. What does that really mean? It means that the web page that you see on the browser receives to the browser as an HTML page with minimal javascript required to add interactivity to each HTML page. A user

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